Executive Orders on Immigration: Information & Resources for PA Nonprofits

02/07/2025 01:00 PM - 02:15 PM ET




Executive Orders on Immigration: Information & Resources for PA Nonprofits
Friday, February 7 | 1:00 PM – 2:15 PM | Webinar

Presented by: Morgen Cheshire, Founder & Managing Attorney, Cheshire Law Group, and Managing Editor, PAnonprofitlaw.com | Evelyn McGravey, Attorney, Cheshire Law Group

Offered in Partnership with: Cheshire Law Group and PAnonprofitlaw.com


Of the many Executive Orders signed by President Trump after his inauguration, two specifically address immigration issues. PANO’s national affiliate, the National Council of Nonprofits (NCN), reported that because of these two Executive Orders, nonprofits providing human services and social services and nonprofits working with immigrant populations, providing legal assistance or training, or delivering humanitarian or other direct aid, may see the need for their services increase, may lose funding, and could be targeted by law enforcement. See page 8 of NCN’s report charting the Executive Orders (bookmark this link for the latest updates!).


This session, led by two PA attorneys specializing in nonprofit law, will cover:

  • The legal status and implications of these two Executive Orders
  • How to prepare your nonprofit for an interaction with ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
  • How to review your nonprofit’s I-9 compliance and prepare for potential I-9 audits and worksite visits (internal self-audits mitigate the risks of fines and penalties)
  • Tips for supporting your team during this time
  • Pennsylvania legislative updates

Please note:

  • This is an informational session, and no legal advice will be given to attendees. Attendees seeking legal advice should engage legal counsel. Attendees’ attendance does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the presenters or their law firm, even if attendees ask questions and receive responses from the presenters.
  • This session will be recorded. The recording will be shared with all registrants, and may also be shared with others who inquire about this content after the live session has ended. Attendees will be able to ask questions anonymously during the webinar via Zoom's Q&A feature, and any questions shared with PANO staff and the presenters in advance during the registration process will be kept confidential. 



Single Login Cost:
FREE for PANO Members | $10 per person for Not-Yet Members

Terms of Participation
Your purchase entitles you to a single login. Please do not share the login information with others, as it may interfere with your ability to join. If multiple individuals from your organization would like to view the webinar, please purchase separate tickets for each person or consider a group screening ticket (below).


Group Screening Cost (4-10 individuals):
FREE for PANO Members | $32 per group for Not-Yet Members

Terms of Participation
If you have 4-10 individuals interested in viewing the webinar, please have one person register selecting the group ticket. You can then enter the names and email addresses of up to 9 other individuals to add to your group ticket.


This option makes the most sense when you have 4-10 individuals interested in viewing the webinar. For fewer than 4 attendees, a single login ticket for each person is the most cost-effective option. For more than 10 attendees, please email Christina at christina@pano.org to discuss options.


Materials & Login/Call-In Instructions:
Materials (PowerPoint and other handouts), along with instructions on how to login and call-in, will be emailed to attendees a few days prior to the date of the webinar. PANO uses Zoom as our webinar platform; you can familiarize yourself with Zoom and/or join a test meeting prior to these sessions.

Can’t attend? All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar following the live session!

*As noted above, the recording will be shared with all registrants, and may also be shared with others who inquire about this content after the live session has ended. Attendees will be able to ask questions anonymously during the webinar via Zoom's Q&A feature, and any questions shared with PANO staff and the presenters in advance during the registration process will be kept confidential. 

About the Facilitators:


Morgen Cheshire & Evelyn McGravey, Cheshire Law Group & PAnonprofitlaw.com

This session is presented by Morgen Cheshire and Evelyn McGravey, attorneys from Cheshire Law Group. Cheshire Law Group is a Pennsylvania law firm exclusively serving the day-to-day and strategic legal needs of nonprofit organizations and was awarded the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Solo and Small Firm Section Award in 2024. Cheshire Law Group’s founder and managing attorney, Morgen Cheshire, was named the 2024 Outstanding Nonprofit Lawyer of the Year by the American Bar Association. Cheshire Law group is also the publisher of PAnonprofitlaw.com, a new legal resource offering downloadable legal tools and templates that help support the legal needs of Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations.

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