Thank you for your interest in Café PANO! We will convene a few times throughout the year via Zoom, offering an opportunity for folks to discuss what’s on their minds right then and there. This is new for us – in an effort to keep these first few virtual gatherings intimate, registration will be open to those who are currently members of PANO, before opening up other gatherings beyond our membership.

If you are not yet a member of PANO and would like to join, you can do so here! If you're not ready to commit to membership, that's ok - look out for other opportunities to join us throughout the year. For now, we appreciate your grace and understanding while we experiment with something new.

If you are a PANO member and are having trouble getting registered for this event, please contact Membership & Consultant Collaborative Manager Stephanie Chapuis at or 717-265-9387. Thanks and we'll see you on February 26!

Neon CRM by Neon One