Yikes! It’s Budget Time: Understanding Budgeting i

Type: Webinar Recordings
Price: $30.00


What does it look like to build a healthy, realistic budget process today, that will build the confidence we need and not bury us financially or emotionally in the future? This seminar provides you with approaches and strategies that re-envision – and re-align – the budget process based on the realities (and unknowns) we face today. While we don't have a crystal ball about the future, nor do we have any revenue silver bullets, we can support the process staff and board can engage in to navigate budgeting under the current uncertainties. This online session will be both presentation and extensive Q&A with facilitator Justin Pollock.
Once you have purchased this webinar, you will be emailed the link and password to access the video. The login credentials will go to the email that you list when you checkout. If you have any questions, please contact PANO’s Administrative Coordinator, Casey Colsher, at casey@pano.org or 717-265-9387.

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