Standards 101: What's What?

Type: Webinar Recordings
Price: $20.00


We at PANO talk a good deal about Standards for Excellence®. Have you ever found yourself asking, “What exactly is that?” Well, you’re in luck, because this webinar will answer that question and lots more!

The Standards for Excellence ethics and accountability code supports organizations in meeting the highest standards, legal requirements, and regulatory compliance of nonprofit governance, management, and operations. The six guiding principles of Standards promote integrity in nonprofit management and, ultimately, strengthen the public trust in Pennsylvania’s nonprofit sector.

This interactive intro session to the Standards for Excellence will provide:

  • A basic overview of the Standards for Excellence
  • A breakdown of the 6 Guiding Principles of Standards
  • Information about the Standards Accreditation and Standards Basics Recognition processes
  • A look into the Standards Education Packets (including sample tools and policies), and how to use them
  • Tips for organizing your Standards journey

All participants will receive a self-assessment checklist to identify areas of excellence and opportunities for growth and improvement.

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