2015 Pennsylvania Nonprofit Salary and Benefit Rep

Price: $0.00


2015 Pennsylvania Nonprofit Salary and Benefit Report

PANO partnered with seven organizations across the state to collect salary and benefit information from over 340 Pennsylvania nonprofits. This report includes information for over 140 positions!

Nonprofits rely on research to set appropriate pay and benefits for new staff and to justify organization compensation levels to their boards, the IRS and the general public. The 2015 Pennsylvania Nonprofit Salary and Benefits Report will help your organization understand trends, stay competitive, attract the best talent and keep the amazing talent you have!


What Other Say About the Report:

"I was not expecting such quality and breadth. The team that put this together deserves a major pat on the back. One of the organizations I work with sent me a note shortly after publication thanking more for getting them to participate - they were very pleased with the results.

Before retiring, I was an HR generalist with a Fortune 250 corporation. While I did a bit of everything, my specialty was compensation. I worked with and participated in many surveys from people like Hay Associates, Mercer, Culpepper and the like. We paid significant fees for our access to these major providers, spent much time in job matching and date input, and relied heavily on their analysis in our compensation planning.

The PANO survey compares favorably to that of the folks that do surveying for a living. It is far better than anything I have seen over the past 10 years covering local/regional nonprofit organizations. And all the benefits information ices the cake. 

I'm sure the participating organizations are pleased with your efforts. Thank you for taking time to do it - and I do appreciate the personal effort you must have put into it. You have delivered a very nice and greatly needed product." - Jim

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